Choose factoring suited to your needs
Reverse factoring, also known as supply chain financing, is a financing solution designed to help your company meet its payment obligations towards its suppliers. Also, it is a way for your company to build an image of a reliable business partner and take advantage of rebates offered by your suppliers in exchange for early payments.
Through reverse factoring KUKE Finance helps your company to settle its payment obligations towards suppliers on time. KUKE Finance will make the payments on your behalf.
You submit to KUKE Finance invoices from the supplier for the raw materials, goods or services provided by the supplier. We make the payment to the supplier’s account in the full amount of the invoice within the time limit specified in the factoring agreement. You, on the other hand, settle your obligations towards KUKE Finance at a later date agreed with us. Thanks to reverse factoring, you no longer have to wait for payments from your customers or other business partners to pay your suppliers.
Reverse factoring is a way for your company to build an image of a reliable business partner and take advantage of rebates offered by your suppliers in exchange for timely or early payments.